
Fall 2020 Guidance – Secondary

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NOTICE: The information on this page may change as directives are provided by local and state officials or as environmental conditions change. Please check back for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Fall 2020 Guidance – Secondary

Student & Staff Safety Protocols for Screening & Isolation 


All students and staff will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms regularly and individuals who show symptoms will be separated and sent home.

Screening Protocols UPDATED Sept. 17, 2020

  • Staff will be required to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms prior to reporting to work each day.  

  • Parents/guardians are expected to screen their students for COVID-19 symptoms each day prior to sending their student to school:

    • Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
    • Loss of taste or smell
    • Cough
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Shortness of breath
    • Fatigue
    • Headache
    • Chills
    • Sore throat
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Shaking
    • Exaggerated shivering
    • Significant muscle pain or ache
    • Diarrhea
    • Nausea or vomiting

    *If your student is exhibiting one or more of these symptoms, you will be asked to contact your student's medical provider for further guidance and not return to school. Nurses will continuously monitor the screening process and follow up with the parent/guardian on the health status of the students.  

  • Teachers will monitor students and refer to the nurse if symptoms are present.

  • For further information and/or guidance, please refer to the section "Individuals Suspected with COVID-19."

Isolation Protocols

Student or Staff Displaying COVID-19 Symptoms

  • When a student has displayed one or more symptoms of COVID-19, the school nurse will provide a clinical assessment to determine if and when a student needs to be sent home.

  • Students who are ill will be separated from their peers and should be picked up within 30 minutes and no later than one hour from the time the campus contacted the student's parent/guardian.

  • Other students will be removed from the classroom and taken to an alternate location on campus (e.g. go on a walk outside, move to a different classroom, etc.) so that the classroom can be disinfected.

  • District communication will be provided to the parents of students who came in contact with a COVID-19 positive student or staff member.  

  • Staff members displaying COVID-19 symptoms will follow district protocols including isolation from students and other staff members.

Individuals Confirmed with COVID-19

Any individuals with a lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive test may return to school or work when the following criteria are met:

  • At least one day (24 hours) has passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications); and

  • The individual has improvement in symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and

  • At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

Individuals Considered At-Risk of Exposure

Individuals identified as being exposed to someone with a lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive test will be quarantined based on the following:

  • 10 days after the last close contact, so long as they continue to monitor themselves daily for symptoms and take appropriate precautions through day 14
  • 7 days after the last close contact, after receiving a negative test result (administered at least 5 days after the last close contact), so long as they continue to monitor themselves daily for symptoms and take appropriate precautions through day 14

Individuals who return to school or work from these shorter quarantine windows should regularly monitor themselves to ensure they remain symptom-free and take appropriate precautions for the duration of the 14-day incubation period. Individuals who develop symptoms at any time during the 14-day incubation period should not report to school or work.

Individuals Suspected with COVID-19

If an individual who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 is not evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, the individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and may not return to school or work until they have completed the same three-step set of criteria listed above.

If the individual has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to school or work before completing the stay at home period, the individual must:

  • Obtain a medical professional’s note clearing (must include date of return to school) the individual for return based on an alternative diagnosis; or

  • Obtain an acute infection test (at a physician's office, approved testing location, or other site) that comes back negative for COVID-19.

Protocols for Face Coverings UPDATED Aug. 9, 2020

Protective measures, including the use of face coverings, will be determined by risk level of COVID-19. The District will rely on data from the Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Fort Bend County Health & Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to determine the risk level and the appropriate protective measures. The risk level categories below are based on the recommendations of Fort Bend County Health & Human Services. The District will alert students, parents and staff of the weekly COVID-19 risk level and when face coverings must be worn.

Acceptable face coverings in Lamar CISD include non-medical and medical grade disposable face masks, cloth face coverings (over the nose and mouth), and neck gaiters that cover the nose, mouth and neck.

Per the latest Texas Education Agency update, full-face shields may be worn in place of a mask to protect eyes, nose and mouth whenever a mask is not feasible, or whenever the education context may benefit from the ability to see an individual's full face. Recommended face shields wrap around the sides of the wearer's face and extend to below the chin.

If an employee believes they need to wear a face shield in place of another face covering, they should contact Human Resources.

If a parent has a question regarding feasibility of face coverings and the educational context in which face shields can be worn, they should contact their campus principal.

Students' individual needs will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. Parents who request an accommodation will need to submit a note from a physician to the campus nurse exempting the student from wearing a face covering.

COVID-19 Risk Levels

High Risk
Mask Required

High potential for exposure to known or suspected sources of COVID-19.

Moderate Risk
Mask Required

High potential for exposure to known or suspected sources of COVID-19.

Low Risk
Masks Required

Frequent/close contact with people who may be infected, but who are not known to be infected.

New Normal
Mask Optional

Minimal and controlled level of COVID-19 new chains of transmission have been limited.

Protective Measures 

Face Coverings

Transmission Precautions

High Risk
Mask Required

Masks are required. All staff, visitors and students in 4th through 12th grade will wear face coverings, especially when social distancing is difficult, including in classrooms

A note from a physician is required to exempt students/staff from wearing face masks

School nurse will utilize appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when in close contact with an individual with COVID-19 symptoms

Students in Pre-K through 3rd grade will wear face coverings in hallways, common areas and during arrival and dismissal

Staff at high risk of coming into contact with blood, bodily fluids, secretions and excretions will utilize appropriate PPE to mitigate potential transmission

Students or staff displaying COVID-19 symptoms shall immediately don a face covering

Moderate Risk
Mask Required

Masks are required. All staff, visitors and students in 4th through 12th grade will wear face coverings, especially when social distancing is difficult, including in classrooms

A note from a physician is required to exempt students/staff from wearing face masks

School nurse will utilize appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when in close contact with an individual with COVID-19 symptoms

Students in Pre-K through 3rd grade will wear face coverings in hallways, common areas and during arrival and dismissal

Staff at high risk of coming into contact with blood, bodily fluids, secretions and excretions will utilize appropriate PPE to mitigate potential transmission

Students or staff displaying COVID-19 symptoms shall immediately don a face covering

Low Risk
Mask Required

Masks are required. All staff, visitors and students in 4th through 12th grade will wear face coverings, especially when social distancing is difficult, including in classrooms

A note from a physician is required to exempt students/staff from wearing face masks

School nurse will utilize appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when in close contact with an individual with COVID-19 symptoms

Students in Pre-K through 3rd grade will wear face coverings in hallways, common areas and during arrival and dismissal

Staff at high risk of coming into contact with blood, bodily fluids, secretions and excretions will utilize appropriate PPE to mitigate potential transmission

Students or staff displaying COVID-19 symptoms shall immediately don a face covering

New Normal
Mask Optional

Masks are optional. Staff, visitors and students are encouraged to wear face coverings as feasible, especially when social distancing is difficult

School nurse will utilize appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when in close contact with an individual with COVID-19 symptoms

Students are encouraged to wear face coverings as feasible in hallways, common areas and during arrival and dismissal

Staff will practice standard universal precautions when coming into contact with blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions

Students or staff displaying COVID-19 symptoms shall immediately don a face covering

Staff Expectations

  • Staff will wear face coverings during high, moderate and low transmission levels. A note from a physician is required to exempt staff from wearing face masks.

Student Expectations

  • Students in 6th through 12th grade will wear face coverings during high, moderate and low transmission levels, including in the classroom.

  • Students' individual needs will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

    • Requests for accommodations will have to include a note from a physician and should be submitted to the school nurse. 

  • Students are required to bring two dress code approved masks/face coverings daily. One will be worn and one additional mask/face covering will be brought in a sealed/ziploc bag. Labeling of the masks with a student name is suggested. Cloth masks should be washed daily and paper masks should be discarded daily. 

Protocols for Campus Visitors


All District campuses will be closed to nonessential visitors, parents, volunteers and activities involving external groups or organizations until further notice. Campuses will utilize virtual meetings and electronic communications when necessary.

All visitors who enter the building will be required to wear a face covering during high, moderate and low transmission levels. Individuals who proceed beyond the reception area will follow specific guidelines for visitors, based on the District's disease activity level protocols.

Visitor and Vendor Screening/PPE Requirements

  • All individuals entering the building will be required to wear face coverings during high, moderate and low transmission levels.

  • Individuals proceeding beyond the reception area will be subject to the following guidelines:

    • All visitors will be subject to screening by way of a symptom screening form.

    • Virtual meetings will be available when possible.

    • Visitors and staff will maintain physical distancing for ARD and other meetings in smaller conference areas.

Protocols for Disinfecting & Hand Sanitizing


Frequent disinfection and hand sanitization will promote health and wellness of students and staff.

Hand Washing/Sanitizing Expectations

  • Hand sanitizer will be available at the main entry to the campus, in classrooms, in the cafeteria and in common areas throughout the campus.

  • Staff will be expected to regularly wash and/or sanitize their hands.

  • Requirements for hand washing and/or use of Lamar CISD-provided hand sanitizer:

    • Provide hand sanitizer upon entry to classroom and periodic teacher reminders during instructional day.

    • Thorough hand washing after recess, before eating, following restroom breaks.

Disinfecting Expectations

  • Staff will have access to disinfectant wipes to sanitize high-touch and working surfaces and shared objects regularly.

  • Staff will limit the use of shared supplies when possible.

Protocols for Campus Cleaning & Disinfecting


Frequent cleaning and disinfecting will promote a healthy learning and work environment for students and staff.

Daily Campus Cleaning

  • Each classroom and restroom will be disinfected daily.

  • All high touch areas will be disinfected daily.

  • Cleaning cloths will be changed for each classroom and common area to maximize room to room cleanliness.

  • Custodians will wear masks and gloves during work hours.

  • The cafeteria will be disinfected between lunch periods.

  • Staff will have access to disinfectant wipes to sanitize working surfaces and shared objects after each use and during breaks in instruction.

Additional Cleaning Measures for COVID-19 Positive Cases on Campus

  • If a classroom or facility is closed due to COVID-19 spread, quaternary (hospital grade) disinfectant, which is recommended for use on the virus that causes COVID-19, will be used to disinfect.

  • Custodial staff will clean and disinfect classrooms, restrooms, the athletic indoor turf field, weight room and all additional areas in the building.

Work & Learning Environments

Classroom Configuration

  • Desks or tables will be socially distanced as much as instructionally possible.

  • When possible, eliminate communal supplies. Shared supplies will be sanitized between use.

  • Students are encouraged to bring their own technology (tablets, laptops, etc.) if possible, to minimize the sharing of electronic devices.

  • Teachers will develop, teach and implement procedures that:

    • Limit student movement within the classroom such as turning in assignments, materials being passed out, etc.

    • Establish student responsibilities to clean personal areas and materials/supplies with hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and other self-cleaning products.

    • Relate to entering and exiting the classroom. For example, “Clean when you enter, clean before you leave,” and having students sanitize their desks before beginning class.

    • Outline hand washing protocols and the use of classroom hand sanitizer in intermittent, scheduled hand sanitizing such as when entering or exiting the classroom.

  • Reduce the use of large table seating in classrooms and replace with desks when possible. If tables are used, limit the number of students per table and identify which seats are to be used to provide as much social distancing as possible. 

  • To the extent possible, keep doors open between classes to minimize contact with doors and door handles by students and staff entering or exiting classrooms.

  • The recommended procedures will be applied to all classroom settings, including special education services locations when possible and appropriate. Students’ individual needs will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

  • For Special Education, see Special Education Return to School Guidance.

Collaborative Work & Projects

  • When possible, technology will be utilized when students are involved in collaborative work.

  • Group or pair work can be implemented while maintaining physical distancing and or when students are wearing a face mask.

General Classroom Supplies

  • Signage will be posted in all classrooms regarding protocols and prevention.

  • Multiple locations of hand sanitizer, tissues and trash cans will be available in several locations to limit student and staff movement.

  • The door to each classroom will be propped open between classes for no-touch entry.

Specialized Classrooms

  • When appropriate, students will be provided face shields instead of face masks for safety when there is an increased risk of burn or injury.

  • Specialized equipment will be sanitized between each use. There will be adequate supplies to minimize the sharing of high-touch materials or limit use of supplies of equipment to one group of students at a time. 

  • Procedures and protocols will be put into place to address locker rooms. Protocols will be in place for disinfecting of equipment, students changing clothes, students showering, distancing of students, etc.

  • Career and Technical Education classes will follow industry-based safety guidelines as appropriate to the equipment and course content. Please see CTE Guidance for more information.

Physical Education Classroom Protocols

  • Whenever possible, physical education classes will be held outside to allow for maximum physical distance between students. *Heat advisory guidelines will regulate outside activities.

  • Any activities bringing students into close physical contact will be avoided.

  • Visual markers will be on the gym floor and bleachers as reminders of social distancing rules.

  • Procedures will be implemented in the locker rooms to encourage social distancing.

  • Equipment will be disinfected after each use.

  • Activities requiring multiple students to touch or handle the same equipment will be minimized.

  • Hand sanitizing stations will be provided when students enter and exit the gymnasiums.

Common Areas

In order to provide the safest environment possible in our common/collaborative spaces, while promoting disease prevention and mitigation, the following guidelines will be implemented:

Meeting Spaces

  • Meetings will be limited to video conferencing when possible.  

  • If meetings must be held in person, all social distancing protocols will be implemented.

    • Facial coverings during substantial and moderate transmission levels

    • Social distancing

    • Limit the sharing of materials/supplies

Administrative Spaces - Reception, Offices, Conference Rooms, Copy/Work Rooms, Mail Rooms

When possible, meetings will be conducted virtually. However, if the need arises to meet in person please follow campus guidelines:

  • Facial coverings or masks will be utilized during substantial and moderate transmission levels.

  • Please follow social distancing guidelines at all reception desks.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided in front office spaces.

  • All occupied seats and workspaces will be spaced six feet apart.

  • Staff lounges should follow social distancing guidelines based on the disease activity level chart.

Flexible Learning Spaces

  • The number of students in these areas will be limited as driven by available space and social distancing guidelines.

  • Common spaces and supplies in these spaces will be disinfected frequently.


  • Only students and staff with a physical impairment or the need to move large/heavy equipment will be able to use the elevator.

  • No more than two people will ride in the elevator at the same time.

  • Masks will be worn when on the elevator.


  • Each restroom will have signage identifying the number of occupants who can utilize that restroom at the same time to mitigate the chance of exceeding maximum occupants per social distancing.

  • Students must wash hands and then use hand sanitizer before entering the classroom.

  • Increased disinfecting will occur throughout the school day.

  • Some sinks and/or toilets may be marked as unavailable to assist with social distancing.

  • Each campus will comply with health agency recommendations and social distancing.


  • Visual reminders will be added and furniture rearranged to help students maintain social distancing while in the library.

  • Students and staff will wash and sanitize hands upon entering and after visiting the library.

  • High-touch surfaces (i.e. tabletops, chairs, door handles) will be disinfected regularly.

  • Occupancy will be limited.


  • Students and staff will follow protocols for face coverings.

  • Staggered releases from each class may be used to limit the number of students in the hallway during transitions.

  • Classroom doors will be propped open during class transitions to reduce high-touch areas.

  • Traffic patterns will be established throughout the campus that separates individuals to the greatest extent possible.

    • When transitioning between classes, students should travel corridors as far to the right as possible.

    • Where possible, one-way traffic throughout campus corridors will be established.

  • Staff and signage will be posted to reinforce social distance expectations.


  • Entry doors will be designated based on arrival method: bus riders, parent drop-off/walk to school, student drivers, students with unique needs. Entry points for shuttle bus arrivals will be designated to facilitate social distancing.

  • Designated entry doors will be propped open for no-touch entry. Any open doors will be continuously monitored by staff to stop unauthorized access and to monitor for threats.

  • Entry protocols will be established to maintain social distance.

  • Sanitizer stations will be placed at each entrance and students will sanitize hands upon entry.

  • Students will go to a designated location upon arrival.

  • Lockers will not be assigned. Students will carry all needed materials and lunch with them.

  • Parents may not accompany students into the building.


  • Dismissal times will be staggered to limit the number of students in hallways and exit areas at any given time.

  • Sanitizer stations will be placed at each exit and students will be encouraged to sanitize hands prior to exit.


  • Transportation will require masks on all buses—regardless of disease activity level—due to the inability to social distance.

  • There will be no more than two students per bus seat with assigned seating.

  • There will be a designated seat in the front for any student who is feeling ill.

  • When possible, bus windows will be opened to allow outside air to circulate in the bus.

  • Buses will be thoroughly cleaned regularly, focusing on high-touch surfaces such as bus seats, steering wheels, knobs and door handles.


Depending on the number of students in the school, students may have meals in both the cafeteria and in classrooms.

  • Cafeteria capacity will be based on current guidelines. Physical distance will be provided around each occupiable seat.

  • Meals will be packaged as “grab and go” to ensure ease of pick up and transport to eating location.

  • No cash back transactions will be allowed. The remaining difference of a cash transaction will be credited to the student’s account.

  • Signage and staff will reinforce physical distance and traffic patterns in the cafeteria.

  • Microwaves will not be provided in the cafeteria due to the opportunity for cross contamination with a high-touch device.

  • Hand sanitizer stations will be available at entrances and exits of the cafeteria.

Outdoor & Off-Campus Student Activities

  • Campuses will limit students from leaving campus after school prior to travel or start of extra-curricular or co-curricular activities when possible.

  • Student participation in academic contests (Math and Science Team, Robotics, Academic Pentathlon) will only be attended if specific guidance is provided by an authorized entity (e.g., host site, Lamar CISD, TEA, the UIL, etc.)

  • Special Education Community Based Instruction (CBI) and Work Based Learning (WBL) guidance will be followed to ensure these learning environments are available to our students per ARD/IEP recommendations.

On-Campus Activities

  • Any school wide events that are approved to be held on campus need to adhere to social distancing requirements outlined by Lamar CISD, TEA and UIL. (Examples: grade level pep rallies, assemblies, performances, etc.)

  • School wide events will be live streamed and/or occur virtually when possible.

  • To limit larger gatherings, campus club meetings should be held virtually when possible. If meeting in person is required, groups should utilize larger meeting spaces or multiple meeting opportunities will be provided.

Extra-Curricular Programming


  • Athletic practices and contests will be conducted following safety protocols provided by guidance from Lamar CISD, UIL and TEA. This will include COVID-19 screening, group sizes, sharing and sanitizing of equipment, locker room usage, etc.

  • Hand sanitizing stations will be in gym facilities and equipment will be sanitized on a regular basis.

  • Locker room use will be determined by TEA/UIL. If locker rooms can be accessed, all locker room space will be utilized to follow social distancing guidelines.

  • Bus travel will follow transportation guidelines provided by Lamar CISD and TEA.

  • Spectator attendance at games and contests may be limited based on TEA and UIL guidelines. Ticketing for events may be utilized to control capacity of facilities.

  • Event procedures will be in place to minimize face-to-face interactions.

  • Separate entrances and exits may be utilized and event doors may be propped open to minimize physical contact with handles.

  • Spectator seats may be marked and/or configured in a way to enforce social distancing.

  • Concessions and/or concession sales may be limited to encourage social distancing and to follow health and safety guidelines.

Performing & Visual Arts

  • Large group practice sessions, sectionals and rehearsals will adhere to social distancing guidelines provided by Lamar CISD, UIL and TEA.

  • Performing & Visual Arts music private lesson teachers will not be allowed to teach on campus facilities. Private lessons may continue to be conducted virtually if agreed upon between individual families and the teacher. All District guidelines and pricing will continue to be adhered to.

  • Off-campus Performing & Visual Arts performances will only be conducted if specific guidance is provided by Lamar CISD, UIL and TEA.

  • Concerts/performances may be adjusted based on health and safety guidelines provided by Lamar CISD, UIL and TEA, including but not limited to transportation procedures, number of attendees, and the orientation of concerts.

  • All Performing & Visual Arts performances will be streamed online when possible. Indoor performances in front of an audience are not allowed without prior permission of the Lamar CISD Performing & Visual Arts Department.

  • Booster club meetings should be held virtually to minimize outside exposure to campuses.

Secondary Virtual Instruction Information UPDATED Aug. 5, 2020

Role of Stakeholders within Virtual Instruction


  • Follow the designated schedule communicated by their campus to attend class during synchronous times and complete asynchronous activities assigned

  • Participate in learning through live class time (using proper etiquette)

  • Students should take responsibility for advocating for themselves

  • Turn in schoolwork at the direction of the assigned teacher

  • Responsible for participation in the lesson

  • Follow the Lamar CISD Secondary Student Code of Conduct


  • Monitor and ask for evidence that your child is on track with assignments and coursework. Check campus homepage for links to teacher lessons and Canvas course.

  • Provide your child with assistance on their day-to-day activities except for designated independent work

  • Assist in supporting your child’s needs by establishing and managing the daily schedule communicated by the teacher and the campus

  • Consider creating a designated learning space for your child at home to learn comfortably

  • Maintain communication with your child’s teacher by phone, email messages, and/or online meetings to create a learning partnership  

  • Struggling is allowed and encouraged! Don’t help too much. Becoming independent takes lots of practice.

Virtual Instruction Expectations

In Lamar CISD, our virtual instruction option will require support from caring adults at home and within the online classroom environment. Activities are designed to ensure that students continue learning at the pace of the current Lamar CISD scope and sequence as well as continue to develop a love of learning and gain appropriate academic and social-emotional skills that are essential to our students meeting their goal of being future ready.

Lamar CISD will structure the students’ learning schedule to require students to participate in asynchronous (online without real-time interaction) and synchronous (real-time) virtual instruction. We will ensure open lines of communication between teachers, students and parents. 

ARD/IEP Committees will determine the unique needs of students who are IEP-entitled in making support and service recommendations for students attending school virtually. The nature of special education interventions will likely require a heavier concentration of synchronous (real-time) supports and services to ensure individual student needs are met.

Lamar CISD expectations for asynchronous (online without real-time interaction) virtual instruction:

  • Complete asynchronous activities assigned each day by the end of the day.

  • Students show proof of participation in daily instruction by satisfactorily completing assignments to demonstrate evidence of student learning i.e. video, picture, or activities submitted as lessons and/or completing assignments. Please note, not all lessons must have an assignment, as there will be teacher discretion on the number of assignments, as they follow the Lamar CISD grading guidelines.

  • Students and parents will communicate with the teacher when needing additional assistance, tutoring, etc.

Lamar CISD expectations for synchronous (real-time) virtual instruction:

  • Students attend class on time - per their class schedule. If a student is unable to attend, they must contact their teacher in advance for a make-up opportunity or risk being counted absent.

    • Students will follow Lamar CISD dress code

    • Students are ready to learn

    • Workspace is designated for the student

    • Students will sign in to Zoom with first name and last initial

    • Students will show their face on the screen to engage with the teacher virtually

    • Students will actively participate in the class

    • Class Zoom sessions may be recorded

Instructional Delivery

The goal for virtual instruction is to allow for continued instruction while acknowledging the additional challenges that come without traditional, face-to-face classroom learning. Lamar CISD is aware of and acknowledges the challenges faced by students and families and ensures that educational decisions are built to support all populations of students. Parents/guardians must also commit to a sense of cooperation in supporting the schools decision-making role.

  • Instruction appropriately focuses on student progress on standards and the continuation of learning defined by the Lamar CISD scope and sequence. During the period of school closure and virtual instruction, students may receive instruction in the following ways (including, but not limited to):

    • Authentic student work/assignments with timely and relevant feedback for continued progress in learning of the standard

    • Hands-on activities which may require additional assistance from someone at home

    • Choice boards and playlists

    • Instructional activities within Canvas

    • Instructional modules from Edgenuity

    • Portfolio tasks and turning in of assignments

    • Assessments

    • Video lessons

    • Project based learning/assignments

    • Group/partner projects

Technology Checkout   NEW Aug. 5, 2020

All students selecting virtual instruction will have the option to use their own device or checkout a Lamar CISD student laptop.

If opting to use a personal device, the device should meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum screen of at least 9.7” or larger
  • Modern Operating System
    • Windows 7 or newer
    • MacOS 10.12 or newer
    • iOS 11.0 or newer
  • Memory: 2GB of RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 200MB of free hard disk space
  • Google Chrome web browser
  • Webcam/self-facing camera
  • Microphone

Advanced Academics NEW Aug. 5, 2020

Advanced Academics courses must meet classroom/virtual teacher requirements, while additional expectations to extend the learning may be required.

Performing and Visual Arts NEW Aug. 5, 2020

Virtual students in Performing and Visual Arts courses may be required to electronically submit evidence of progress, such as practice videos, recordings, sketchbook uploads, or responding to a daily assignment or reflection prompt. Virtual learners not participating in before-school or after-school ensemble rehearsals will require an equivalent assignment, or those students may opt to enroll in a non-performance based fine arts elective such as the Arts & Media Communication courses.

Virtual learners participating in before-school activities will need to be off campus no later than 8:00 a.m. and students participating after school should not arrive on campus for afternoon sessions prior to 4:00 p.m.

Health and PE  NEW Aug. 5, 2020

Students taking virtual health and physical education courses will be required to submit completion of daily assignments and/or physical activity. 

Virtual learners who are members of Lamar CISD athletic programs are welcome to participate in before and after school workouts as long as they maintain their academic eligibility, complete the necessary pre-participation paperwork and report for those workouts prior to 8:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. on school days. Coaches will communicate those workout opportunities and expectations to their athletes as they become available.

Athletic Periods NEW Aug. 5, 2020

  • Students who are participating in virtual instruction will be provided a workout to complete at home on a daily basis. Coaches will assign daily grades in Skyward to hold athletes accountable for daily in-class workouts.

  • In order to record and monitor the engagement of our virtual students, coaches will assign daily grades based on the confirmed completion of the assigned workout. This could include having athletes submit the time required to complete the workout, a photo of them completing an exercise or including them in a synchronous workout with their teammates.

Health Classes NEW Aug. 5, 2020

  • Health classes will be conducted based on the guidelines provided for other standard classroom instruction.

  • Daily engagement opportunities will be facilitated through Canvas. Teachers will administer grades based on the completion of required activities and assignments.

Hybrid CTE Courses NEW Aug. 5, 2020

  • Many CTE courses will require a hybrid combination of virtual and on-campus activities to fulfill course credit requirements. This may include hands-on lessons, labs, demonstrations or performance assessments.

    • Teachers teaching hybrid courses will work with students to schedule on-campus activities before or after school. Virtual learners participating in before-school activities will need to be off campus no later than 8:00 a.m. and students participating after school should not arrive on campus for afternoon sessions prior to 4:00 p.m.

    • Students would need to go through the screening process before coming on campus

    • CTE teachers may choose to schedule the 7th period as the “Hybrid Course” -Students would attend during this time of the day to work with teachers in the specified course

    • Teachers could schedule Saturday lab options

  • The following table shows the CTE courses that may need to have some components take place on campus:

    • Floral Design
    • Ag Mech & Metal Tech
    • Ag Structure Design & Fabrication
    • Welding I & II
    • Practicumof Interior Design
    • Construction Tech I & II
    • Practicumin Construction Tech
    • Instructional Practices in Education & Training
    • Health Science Theory (with Clinical)
    • PracticumHS2: CAN
    • Anatomy & Physiology
    • Medical Microbiology
    • Culinary Arts
    • Advanced Culinary Arts
    • Practicumin Culinary Arts
    • Food Science
    • Child Guidance
    • Forensic Science
    • Principles of Technology
    • Auto Tech I & II
    • Practicumin Transportation Systems
    • Small Animal Management
    • Vet Med Applications
    • Practicum in Vet Med
    • Practicum in Education & Training

Virtual Instruction Grading

Grading for all virtual courses will follow the same grading policy as the courses in the on-campus model. Virtual courses that earn high school credit will count in GPA calculation and class rank.


During virtual instruction, time management is critical to success. Students and teachers must remain in communication regarding daily schedules and assignments. As with any traditional course, there is a risk of receiving a lower grade if a student falls behind. If your student is struggling with time management, then he or she should contact his or her teacher for additional assistance.

Teachers will structure the instructional day to follow their campus bell schedule. Daily asynchronous learning activities will be required for each course. These daily activities, and any accompanying assignments must be completed by 11:59 p.m., or the student will be counted absent from the class for the day.  

In addition to completing the daily asynchronous learning activities, students will be expected to participate in synchronous Zoom classes twice per week for each course in which they are enrolled. If a student is unable to attend, they must contact their teacher in advance for a make-up opportunity or risk being counted absent. A staggered weekly schedule of Zoom classes will be provided by the campus.  

Intervention & Enrichment

Intervention and enrichment time will be scheduled regularly for students to best meet their academic needs. During this time, students may engage in assigned group activities, project learning activities, small group instruction, and digital platforms. Teachers will communicate with students their plan for the designated time.

For students who are IEP-entitled, progress will be carefully monitored and ARD/IEP Committees will convene and make appropriate recommendations to meet individual student needs to ensure continued growth in the general education curriculum and on IEP goals and objectives.

* Information will be added about participation in extra-curricular after school activities – including clarity about enrollment in courses during the day and practice after school.

Sample Virtual Instruction Schedule








Period 1

8:15 – 9:05

English I

Zoom Lesson
8:15 – 8:45

Independent Work
8:45 – 9:05

Independent Work
8:15 – 9:05

Independent Work
8:15 – 9:05

Zoom Lesson
8:15 – 8:45

Independent Work
8:45 – 9:05

Independent Work
8:15 – 9:05

Period 2

9:10 – 10:00

Algebra I

Independent Work
9:10 – 10:00

Zoom Lesson
9:10 – 9:40

Independent Work
9:40 – 10:00

Independent Work
9:10 – 10:00

Zoom Lesson
9:10 – 9:40

Independent Work
9:40 – 10:00

Independent Work
9:10 – 10:00

Period 3

10:05 – 11:05

World History

Independent Work
10:05 – 11:05

Zoom Lesson
10:05 – 10:35


Independent Work
10:35 – 11:05

Independent Work
10:05 – 11:05

Independent Work
10:05 – 11:05

Zoom Lesson
10:05 – 10:35

Independent Work
10:35 – 11:05

Period 4

11:10 – 12:05


Independent Work
11:10 – 12:05

Independent Work
11:10 – 12:05

Zoom Lesson
11:05 – 11:35

Independent Work
11:35 – 12:05

Zoom Lesson
11:05 – 11:35

Independent Work
11:35 – 12:05

Independent Work
11:10 – 12:05


12:05 – 12:40






Period 5

12:45 – 1:40


Zoom Lesson
12:45 – 1:15

Independent Work
1:15 – 1:40

Independent Work
12:45 – 1:40

Zoom Lesson
12:45 – 1:15

Independent Work
1:15 – 1:40

Independent Work
12:45 – 1:40

Independent Work
12:45 – 1:40

Period 6

1:45 – 2:35

Spanish II

Independent Work
1:45 – 2:35

Independent Work
1:45 – 2:35

Zoom Lesson
1:45 – 2:15

Independent Work
2:15 – 2:35

Independent Work
1:45 – 2:35

Zoom Lesson
1:45 – 2:15

Independent Work
2:15 – 2:35

Period 7

2:40 – 3:30

Major Sports

Zoom Lesson
2:40 – 3:10

Independent Work
3:10 – 3:30

Independent Work
2:40 – 3:30

Independent Work
2:40 – 3:30

Independent Work
2:40 – 3:30

Zoom Lesson
2:40 – 3:10

Independent Work
3:10 – 3:30

Cloud Site