
Commitment Form Instructions

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Commitment Form Instructions 

Primary parents or guardians of Lamar CISD students are asked to complete a 2020-2021 School Year Commitment Form to indicate if their student(s) will participate in on-campus or virtual instruction for the 2020-2021 school year. The commitment form is available via Skyward Family Access. 

Commitment Form Instructions: 

For students new to Lamar CISD for the 2020-2021 school year, guardians will be able to complete the 2020-2021 Commitment Form after July 22 and after your campus has completed your registration. Skyward currently shows students as enrolled in their 2019-2020 campus. If your student is moving to a new campus next school year, this change will be reflected after July 22.

For questions on how to login to the Skyward Family Access Center, please visit For questions or additional support, please contact your student's campus.

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