Welcome to Austin Elementary School!

Office Hours

The front office hours are from Monday - Friday from 6:45 - 3:15


Registering your future Astronaut is as simple as 1-2-3-4!
1. Visit LCISD.org > Students and Parents > Registration and scroll down to Students New to LCISD
2. Follow directions to locate your campus and complete the New Student Online Enrollment Application
3. Gather the required documents: Proof of Residency (closing documents, leasing agreement, fixed utility bill - electric, gas, water), copy of parent/guardian driver's license, student birth certificate, student immunization records
4.Call the front office at 832-223-1000 to schedule your enrollment appointment. 


Attendance notes may be sent by email but must come from a parent’s verified email account. The email must be sent to the campus attendance clerk when your student returns to school.  Please include your student's first name, last name, teacher name, grade, the date(s) which your student was absent and the reason for the absence(s).  Please send your notes to our Administrative Assistant at: [email protected]

Parent Information

School Hours

School Hours: 7:15 a.m. - 2:40 p.m. 
Students who arrive after 7:15 a.m. are tardy. 

Breakfast 6:45 a.m. - 7:15 a.m.
1st Bell 7:05 a.m.
Tardy Bell 7:15 a.m.
Dismissal Bell 2:40 p.m.


Upcoming Events at Austin

October 25th: Early Release at 11:15a

To learn more about the Austin PTO, please visit their website and Facebook page:

Austin PTO Website
Austin PTO Facebook Page

Follow Austin Elementary

Please join us on Facebook to see pictures of school events and activities! 


Lunch Times

Kinder: 12:25 - 12:55
First: 11:55 - 12:25
Second: 12:50 - 1:20
Third: 10:45 - 11:15
Fourth: 11:15 - 11:45
Fifth: 10:30 - 11:00


school cafe

Breakfast and lunch are FREE to all students at Austin, but students may purchase a la carte items. Your child's student ID number will also be their lunch number. You can also use this number to add money to their account online. Students will use their SMART Tag in the lunch line.

To make a payment on your child's account, please login to www.schoolcafe.com. 

For parent online help, please call 855-729-2328 or email [email protected].

To put restrictions on your child's account, please call 832-223-0180 or through your student's account on www.schoolcafe.com


Lamar CISD implemented the SMART Tag system, which is designed to improve the safety and security of students who utilize school bus transportation. For more information, please click here.

Please do not bend or punch a hole into the SMART Tag. 


Transportation Changes

Transportation changes must be submitted to the front office before 2:00 p.m. Transportation changes must be submitted by phone call or by a written note. 

On early release days, transportation changes must be submitted to the front office before 10:30 a.m. 

Permanent transportation changes must be made in writing.


Campus Forms & Documents   

After School Care   

For on-site after school care, please call the YMCA at 281-341-0791. Their program is for students K-5 and offered Monday - Friday (on regular school days) until 6:30 p.m. 

Below are the after school care facilities that provide transportation to and from Austin. 
Funshine Academy - 281-342-9624
Kids R Kids - 832-451-1111
Tree House Academy - 832-595-8500

Car Riders   

Please get a White Austin Visor Tag from your student's teacher. 

Place the White Austin Visor Tag in your front window.

If someone else picks up your child, please make sure they have the White Austin Visor Tag.

Please follow the car rider line route on the side of the building. 

All car riders must be picked up in the car ride line. 


Please meet your student(s) at the flag pole in the front of the bike rack.

Walker/Bikers will be released first. Please be at the flag pole at 2:40 p.m.

Kinder and 1st grade students must have an adult or older sibling present to receive their child. Individuals receiving Kinder or 1st grade students at the flag pole will need to be in possession of a picture ID, so the staff member can verify release authorization on the first day of school. We will then give a White Austin Walker/Biker Tag to use the following days. You could also get a White Austin Walker/Biker Tag from your child's teacher.

For Kinder and 1st grade, please email your child's teacher if you give permission for your child to be released by an older sibling. We must have this parent permission documentation on file. 

We will not release students to parents parked in the parking lot. You must meet your child at the flag pole. 


Valedictorian and Salutatorian for Fulshear High's Class of 2022

May 16, 2022 | Community Relations

Graduation exercises for Fulshear High School's Class of 2022 will be held Wednesday, May 18, at 8 p.m. at Traylor Stadium.


Kaitlan Muras is the Valedictorian for the Class of 2022 at Fulshear High School.

The daughter of Chheata and Tom Muras, she will attend Texas A&M University, majoring in Aerospace Engineering with a minor in Computer Science. Kaitlan aspires to become a Astronautical Engineer. 

While at CFHS, Kaitlan was on the varsity tennis team, the historian for NHS, the vice president for the International Club and an active member of AP Ambassadors, Student Council, HOSA and TSA. Outside of school, Kaitlan participated in Team Legacy Martial arts and Life Tean.

Reflecting on her high school experience, Kaitlan claims she will always remember the laughing, stressing and celebrating with her friends. She encourages her fellow Chargers to remember not to hold on to the little problems stating, “...when you’re in the moment, every problem feels huge. Learn how to put things into perspective and never forget what you’re working towards.” Kaitlan leaves her fellow chargers with her favorite quote: “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” - Colin Powell


Tristan Gabbard is the Salutatorian for the Class of 2022 at Fulshear High School.

The daughter of Charles and Alisha Gabbard, she plans to attend Midwestern State University, majoring in Economics. Tristan hopes to one day attend law school, open her own law firm and continue pursuing a professional golf career.

While at Fulshear, Tristan was the vice president of NHS, founder of the DoSomething Club, captain of the varsity golf team and was involved with the academic university interscholastic league, Texas A&M work force and industry training.

Tristan says her current mission in life is to inspire girls both in golf and other walks of life to pursue the things they enjoy.”

She encourages her chargers to continue reaching out to those with similar interest and ideas, stating “when you find your people, you find your place in the world.” She leaves her fellow Chargers with this quote: “Don’t be afraid, only believe.”
