Don't forget about all the resources available in Classlink such as MackinVia, World Book, Typing Club, Learn360, Scratch, and so much more! Remember to keep reading and  log your minutes into Beanstack. There are many amazing reading opportunities in the websites below. If I can be of any assistance, please contact me at [email protected].

Mrs. Michalec
Cora Thomas Librarian


MackinVia contains ebooks you can check out to read. Simply login to Classlink and click on MackinVia to access ebooks, databases, and audiobooks. When you want to read a book in Mackinvia, click on the book you want then click checkout. Be sure go back in and click checkin to turn it in right away when you are done, so others can read it also. Don't forget to log your minutes into Beanstack!

The Library Resource Folder located in Classlink contains lots of fun and interesting databases and reading including Teaching, World Book, National Geographic Kids, and PebbleGo. Click on Library Resources to go to Classlink. 

Want to listen to an amazing story? Visit StoryLine Online and pick some good books to listen to.

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Mystery Doug is a list of science lessons that can be done at home are now free during the school closures. No login or sign-in required.

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History For Kids contains cool games, videos, and information about many different areas of history. 

Starfall is a great website for Pre-K through 2nd grade. It contains educational games, activities, and books. 

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Mystery Science is a website being provided during school closures that gives teachers and students support with science topics.  

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Scholastic Learn At Home is providing 20 days of educational activities to support families during school closures. 

Highlights Online Magazine has wonderful educational experiences. Enjoy podcasts, games, and much more!

The Old Farmer's Almanac for Kids has a lot of fun activities and interesting articles to read!

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Here you go all you coders! Go to and build dance parties and so much more. Also, don't forget about Scratch located in Classlink that  also will challenge  all coders. 

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Cool Math offers games, activities, and lessons for first - fifth grade.

Wonderopolis is a website that covers almost any wonder or topic you can think of. Wonderopolis has a text to speech feature for each article and it will read the article to you. 

Time for Kids is an online magazine that has interesting articles for all ages. Time for Kids has a read aloud feature that supports early readers.