
Lamar CISD Named to 2020 Best Communities for Music Education List

Apr 08, 2020 | Community Relations

The Lamar Consolidated Independent School District was recently named to the 2020 Best Communities for Music Education List by the National Association of Music Merchants Foundation (NAMM).

This list of over 700 school districts across the United States represents the top school music programs in the country. Lamar CISD is one of 748 school districts selected across the USA and one of 87 in Texas. This is the first time Lamar CISD has recieved this honor.

The NAMM Foundation's Best Communities for Music Education (BCME) is a signature program of The NAMM Foundation that recognizes and celebrates school districts and schools for their support and commitment to music education and efforts to assure access to music for all students as part of a well-rounded education.