SNEAK PEEK EVENT    AUGUST 7, 2024   5-7 P.M.    COME & GO

Details Below


School Supplies

Click here for printable file:


The above school supply list is a suggested list of supplies. Students will never need all supplies at one time. Students will need a sturdy backpack to carry their daily supplies with them. All other supplies remain at home until  needed. Students will not have lockers except for P.E.

You may purchase the supplies on your own, or order a school supply pack online that will be available for pick-up at our orientation event on August 7, 2024.

In addition to general supplies, students are required to have a Wertheimer logo P.E. shirt. You will use this same link to purchase a P.E. shirt. We are asking that parents only purchase one shirt right now until all students receive a shirt. We will open up another link for parents who would like an additional shirt after school starts. In addition to this shirt, students will need black shorts, leggings or sweat pants as part of their P.E. uniform. These are provided by you and do not have the Wertheimer logo on them. Students will also need athletic or tennis shoes for P.E. every day. Students will be provided a locker for P.E. Most students keep their P.E. uniform in their locker until the end of the week and then take it home to wash, returning it to their locker on Monday. P.E. shirts purchased online will be distributed by the P.E. coaches during P.E. class some time the first week of school.

Students will need a combination lock for their P.E. locker. You can purchase one for $5 using the school supply link or you can provide one of your own. The locks purchased online will be distributed by the P.E. coaches during P.E. class some time the first week of school.

Use the link below to purchase these items. After opening the link, make one choice in each category. For example, the first option is School Supplies. Choose if you would like to purchase or if you do not want to purchase, then do the same for the P.E. shirt and then the lock. You will be given a total at the end. Be sure to type in the student's name in the rectangle marked "Who is this item for".

(Click Here to Purchase.)


Spirit Wear

Click here for printable file:


Shirts (6) (pdf)
1070 KB

Spirit clothing is options, but is a great way to show your school spirit!

We have several spirit items available this year:

Our Hawk Pride t-shirt is a black shirt with our school name on the front and our mascot on the back.

Our WMS Hawks t-shirt comes in hazy yellow or sand. There is no print on the back.

There are two hoodies to choose from. One is a pull-over style with the Protect the Nest logo across the front chest. The other is a zip-up hoodie with the Protect the Nest logo on the left side of the chest area.

Choose one or choose them all. Shirts are $20 each and hoodies are $40 each. If purchase early enough, these items will be available for pick-up at our orientation event on August 7th.

Click here to purchase.


Orientation 202425 (1)

General Info

NOTE:  Parents must log on to their Skyward Family Portal, click on forms, and register for bus transportation by August 4, 2024 in order to have bus transportation the first day of school. Forms not completed by August 4th will result in delays with your child riding the bus to school. Late forms will be processed after school starts and students will not be eligible to ride the first two weeks of school.