Beasley Elementary
prin AP
School Is Sweet
points and houses
larana present

WELCOME TO Beasley Elementary....Where we Believe in Being the Best we can BE!

OUR VISION Statement: Beasley Elementary is a family of learners.

OUR MISSION Statement: Beasley Elementary is a place where students are encouraged to dream BIG, take risks, display respect and be kind. Where everyone is treated like family. Where together we learn to LOVE to learn!     

NUESTRA VISION: En la Escuela Elemental Beasley se edifican y cultivan relaciones solidas a través del trabajo en equipo y con el apoyo de la comunidad para desarrollar el crecimiento de los estudiantes en un ambiente seguro.

NUESTRA MISION: En la Escuela Elemental Beasley es un lugar donde se anima a los estudiantes a soñar en GRANDE, tomar riesgos, mostrar respeto y ser amable.   Donde todo el mundo es tratado como una familia. İDonde juntos aprendemos AMAR y aprender!

Are you interested in being involved?

One way is to join PTO. You’ll be notified of special events, given opportunities to volunteer, and asked for input on future plans. For more information, send an email to our PTO president.

¿Estás interesado en apoyar nuestro campus?

Una forma es unirse a PTO. Se le notificará de eventos especiales, se le darán oportunidades para ser voluntario y se le pedirá información sobre planes futuros. Para obtener más información, envíe un correo electrónico a nuestro presidente de PTO


Weekly Newsletter

Visit our Facebook page to read our weekly parent newsletter. 

Visite nuestra página de Facebook para leer nuestro boletín semanal para padres.


Attendance Goal

We are aiming for one day where there are no tardies and no absences. Help us reach our goal. 

Nuestro objetivo es un día en el que no haya tardanzas ni ausencias. Ayúdanos a alcanzar nuestra meta.

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Campus News

Attendance Boundary Committee to Address New Student Populations for Secondary Complex #7

Apr 16, 2024 | Lamar CISD Communications

April 12, 2024Rosenberg, Texas Lamar CISD administration leaders met with the Tomas HS Attendance Boundary Committee (ABC) on April 4 and 9 at Hubenak Elementary School to discuss the brand-new Secondary Complex #7. The complex will include Gene Tomas High School, Ella Banks Junior High, and Judge “Sandy” Bielstein Middle School, which will open at the start of the 2025-2026 school year. The complex will be located at 24730 Easton Ramsey Way in Richmond, Texas.  

As a hypergrowth District, Lamar CISD builds new schools using bond funds. When new schools open, the District rezones current campuses to create a population of students who will attend these new schools. During the rezoning process, the District creates an Attendance Boundary Committee (ABC) consisting of parent representatives from the different impacted schools/areas to rank potential attendance zone maps.   
During the formation of this committee, the District emailed a survey to collect feedback from more than 40,000 parents. The parents who received the survey and who were invited to join the ABC are all from potentially impacted campuses.  

“The Board's consideration of the survey, voting, and committee members is greatly appreciated, allowing families to choose the best options for their children's future,” Shashi Kapoor, Fulshear High School parent and Secondary Complex #7 ABC spokesperson said.  

Out of the 68 parents invited to be a part of the Secondary Complex #7 ABC, 37 were present at the meeting held on April 9 to vote. The group decided not to create an additional map option.  

“[The recommended option] was the best compromise,” Patrick Ralls, Wessendorff Middle School parent and Secondary Complex #7 ABC spokesperson said. Mr. Ralls opted for a different option, but still volunteered to be a spokesperson for the group. 

As the spokespersons, Ralls, and Kapoor, will present the discussions of their respective committees and recommend a rezoning map option as a Future Action Item at the Lamar CISD monthly Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, April 16. The Board will use this information to vote on the final rezoning maps at its May Board meeting. 

For more information on the rezoning process including map options and additional meeting information, please click HERE.

For photos from the meetings, please click HERE.

⤓ Download the Press Release

Campus Events

Bobcat Parents, 

Please visit the Student and Parent Section for more information on grade level activities!

Haga clic en el enlace para estudiantes y padres para obtener información de nivel de grado.