

Mission Statement

To create a spiraling mathematics program that applies math concepts and skills to the real world in a way that uses technology, problem solving, and computational skills in the mastery of mathematics content and process so that students will be empowered to reach full potential to participate in future social, economic, and educational opportunities.

Contact Information

District Elementary Math Coordinator
Lana Kettler
[email protected]

District Elementary Math Specialist
Lori Buhner
[email protected]

District Elementary Math Specialist
Dana Maresh
[email protected]

District Elementary Math Specialist
Vanessa Flores
[email protected]

District Secondary Math Coordinator
Andria Olson
[email protected]

District Secondary Math Specialist
Alisha Gabbard
[email protected]

District Secondary Math Specialist
Alexis Marks
[email protected]

Mathematics Graduate Profile

Lamar Consolidated ISD is committed to providing a superior mathematics education for all students so that, as graduates, they will have mathematical competence to enable them to solve problems using a variety of techniques, to apply mathematical concepts to common and complex problem situations, and to read, interpret, and evaluate complex information.

Upon graduation, our students will:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of basic number facts and the use of computational skills needed to do daily calculations and estimations. Students will solve problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of rational numbers, which will include fractions, decimals, and integers.
  • Possess critical thinking and reasoning skills that enable them to formalize, analyze, and solve problems proficiently. Students will use appropriate tools and techniques, including but not limited to calculators and computers, to extend their thinking, translate their ideas into solutions, and judge reasonableness of results.
  • Be capable of using logical reasoning skills to make sense of new problem situations in the real world. Students will explore, make conjectures, gather evidence, analyze data, build arguments to support ideas, and make informed decisions.
  • Use the language of mathematics to communicate ideas and understandings. Students will use signs, symbols, and terms of mathematics to read, write, clarify, consolidate, and refine solutions to problem situations.
  • Have a common base of knowledge and skills. Students will possess content skills from algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis, statistics, and probability which empower them to connect mathematics to other subject areas and to experiences in their daily lives.



The Lamar CISD Mathematics Curriculum is aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and course descriptions are defined by the state. Please visit the link below to visit the Texas Education Agency’s sites dedicated to curriculum and descriptions.

View thhe Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 19, Part II Chapter 111


Problem Solving (Processes and Strategies) - Teachers guide students to solve problems using the LCISD Problem-Solving Model model. Problem solving strategies outlined in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills are integrated throughout the curriculum as well.

Concrete to Abstract Learning Cycle - Through the use of hands-on learning with various manipulatives, students move from the concrete and pictorial towards the understanding of abstract concepts.

Differentiation - Teachers strive to reach all learners in their classrooms through the use of best practices such as effective questioning, small group instruction, and hands-on activities.

Technology Integration - Technology, such as graphing calculators, interactive whiteboards, computer programs including spreadsheets, and handheld PDAs, are integrated in the K-12 curriculum.

Vocabulary and Reading Strategies - Use of accurate and appropriate mathematical vocabulary is emphasized in the classrooms. Teachers provide students opportunities to read, see, use, and say vocabulary terms throughout the study of concepts.

5E Model of Instruction - This instructional model provides an effective approach that connects current knowledge to new ideas. The five phases of instruction include Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate.

Guided Math - The core of daily Math instruction should be Guided Math. Guided Math includes the following components:

  • Daily Math Warm-up, District Fact Fluency Plan and Number Talks
  • Deep Practice: Model thinking process for problem solving and test-taking strategies
  • Mini-Lesson: Whole group standards-based lesson
  • Guided Math Rotations: Guided small group work with the teacher, math fact review, skills review, collaborative problem solving, manipulative discovery and connections, writing/reading in math (SAR), etc.

LCISD Fact Fluency Plan and Number Talks - This plan is designed to help students develop fluency and automaticity of basic facts in grades K-5.  This will be accomplished through a balanced approach that focuses on conceptual understanding during daily instruction, the instruction of math fact strategies and the continued practice of mastering automaticity through the activities presented in each grade level fluency plan.

Staff Development

Mathematics staff development supports the District’s and the Curriculum Department’s vision by equipping teachers with best practices and by raising awareness about differentiation. Staff development opportunities are designed for new and experienced teachers, equipping teachers with strategies to meet the needs of all learners.

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