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Campus News

New Tardy Policy LCHS

Apr 14, 2022 | User Not Found

Mustang University Tardy PolicyWhen the Mustangs return from Easter break, Tuesday, April 19, 2022, a new campus tardy policy will be in full effect.

Starting April 19th, after a student receives his or her 7th tardy, the student will be called into their AP's office and be provided a Tardy Contract that the parents will also receive. 8+ tardies will result in Lunch Detention and 15+ tardies will earn the student In School Suspension for each individual tardy after 15 and a mandatory parent conference. There is also a possibility of the parent escorting the student to all classes, out of school suspension, or serious and persistent ALC placement.

Please make your student(s) aware of the upcoming tardy policy and encourage your student(s) to get to each class on time each day.